Registration and Fees
2024-2025 Registration Information
Classes begin Friday, August 23rd, 2024!
Registration will be online through JMC beginning August 11th.
Online Registration will be done directly through the JMC Parent portal. Please click here: Student Registration to go to the JMC Parent Portal. Make sure you change the school year to 2024-2025. Important: Make sure all contact information (address, phone, email) is up to date. Also, Please contact the office with any address changes.
Student registration and payment of fees MUST be paid before the first day of classes. Your student will be considered registered for the 2024-2025 school year when payment and forms have been received by the office.
Registration Health Requirements - These items must be done in order to complete your registration and attend school.
Elementary School Supply Lists - Supply lists for each grade in the Elementary School.
Elementary Parent/Teacher Handbook
Junior High Supply Lists - Supply Lists for the Junior High Grades.
The following forms are included with registration. (all forms will open in a new window)
Iowa Eligibility Application - Application for Free or Reduced Lunch/Fees program. Everyone is welcome to fill out the application. Please be sure to fill out both pages. Please contact Tonia Healy at 712-944-5183 for any questions. If you qualify, your lunch and fees could be reduced or free. In addition, many state and federal funding sources are based off the number of free and reduced students. This provides either a greater discount or more funding for the school for phone service, internet access, technology, etc. How to Apply
Iowa Department of Health Certificate of Dental Screening - Dental screenings are required before a student enters Pre-School, TK, Kindergarten, and 9th grade or any new student.
Iowa Department of Health Certificate of Vision Screening - Vision screenings are required before a student enters Kindergarten and again when entering 3rd grade.
Initial Health History - Initial Health History is required before a student enters Pre-School, TK, and Kindergarten..
Health Examination - Physical Exam form for Pre-School, TK, and Kindergarten.
Health History Update - Health History Update for students in 4th grade, 9th grade or students with health/medication concerns and all new students.
Iowa Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination and Concussion form - The first 2 pages are the physical form that doctors must complete for students participating in athletics, cheer leading, and dance. The 3rd page is a fact sheet and form about concussions in High School Sports. Students participating in interscholastic athletics, cheer leading, and dance; and their parents/guardians; must sign this form every year. Students are not allowed to practice or compete in those activities until this form is signed and returned.
Authorization/Permission for Administration of Medication/Procedure - Required for any student that needs to take any medications while at school.
Meningococcal Vaccine requirement for 7th & 12th grade
Meningococcal Vaccine Information Statement
Release of Student Information
The following information may be released to the public in regards to any individual student of the school district as a necessity or desirability arises. Any student, parent or guardian not wanting this information released to the public may make an objection in writing to the superintendent:
Annual Notification of Asbestos Containing Materials
Asbestos is an issue we have been dealing with for many years. Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA) was enacted by Congress to determine the extent of and develop solutions for any problems schools may have with asbestos.
In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in September 1988 we performed inspections of our school buildings for asbestos containing building materials. The inspection findings and asbestos management plans have been on file in the school administrative office since that time.
The EPA requires us to perform re-inspection of the asbestos materials every three years. An accredited inspector/management planner from ATC Associates Inc., Omaha, Nebraska, performed the re-inspection of our district in July of 2007 and issued a report regarding the results.
ATC Associates Inc. has been contracted to provide environmental services, which includes maintaining compliance with Federal regulations regarding asbestos and other regulated environmental concerns.
The results of the re-inspection, as well as the last six month surveillance are on file in the Management Plan in the school’s administrative office. Everyone is welcome to view these anytime during normal school hours (M-F 8:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.). Our Asbestos Program Manager, Dana Neal, is available to answer any questions about asbestos in our buildings at 944-5181, or you may contact Gary Collins, ATC Associates, Inc. at 402-697-9747.
Home School Assistance Program
In recognition of alternatives to education outside the formal school setting, the Lawton-Bronson Community School District is committed to providing a Home School Assistance Program (HSAP) for its constituents. The program will assist students receiving competent private instruction by providing a licensed instructor to assist the family in the education of the student. The program will also provide curriculum materials to support the home schooled student. If you are home schooling your children and interested in our program, call Mr. Chad Shook at 712-944-5183.
Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
FAPE is the provision of special education and related services that:
· Are provided at public expense
· Are under public supervision and direction, and
· Are provided without charge
· Meet the standards of the SEA, including
Appropriate pre-school, elementary school, or secondary school education; and are provided according to an individualized education program.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Lawton-Bronson Community School District offers career and technical programs in the following areas: Business and Marketing, Health Science, Agriculture Business and Management, Applied Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing.
Students, parents, employees, and others doing business with or performing services for the Lawton-Bronson Community School District are hereby notified that this school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (except students), religion, national origin, creed, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in admission to, or treatment in, its programs and activities.
The school district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age (except students), religion, national origin, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in admission or access to, or treatment in, its hiring and employment practices.
Any person having inquiries concerning the school district’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title VII, Title IX.
Erin Benson, Secondary Counselor
Lawton-Bronson Community School
100 Tara Way
Lawton, Iowa 51030
(712) 944-5181
Any person having inquiries concerning the school district’s compliance with the regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 or Iowa Code section 280.3 is directed to contact:
Brandi Jessen, Secondary Principal
Lawton-Bronson Community School
100 Tara Way
Lawton, Iowa 51030
(712) 944-5181
Chad Shook, Superintendent
Lawton-Bronson Community School
100 Tara Way
Lawton, Iowa 51030
(712) 948-3361
It is the policy of the Lawton-Bronson Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, creed, age (employment only), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (students/programs only) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the district’s equity coordinator, Erin Benson, Secondary Counselor, 100 Tara Way, Lawton, Iowa, (712) 944-5181,