Row 1(L/R): Lance Kelly, Nick Forst, Kinnick Thoreson, Peyton Lahrs, Sophia Rohan, Eli Stadsvold, Mark Moseman, Braden Heiss, Oliver Denny, Miley Vermilyea, Annika Carlson, Addison McKenna, Camryn Klodnicki
Row 2 (L/R): Cheyenne Ameen, Rylee Eyres, Claire Petersen, Campbell Loreth, Katie Heiss, Sydney Brouwer, Marissa Schlotman, Averi Jenkins, Cayla Jessen, Addison Smith, Jocelynn Olesen
The National Honor Society holds four pillars in high esteem: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Requirements for entry into the Golden Eagle chapter of the National Honor Society reflect these pillars. Scholarship: Applicants must be in their junior or senior year and have a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher. Service: Applicants must log 20 hours of community service (Silver Cord hours) prior to acceptance. Once accepted students must log an additional 30 hours of service over the course of the year. Leadership: Prior to acceptance applicants compile 10 examples of personal leadership from the past year, state what they learned from each example, and have a witness sign to confirm completion of each example. Character: Applicants must have never breached Lawton-Bronson's Good Conduct Policy.
Annual examples of service done by The Golden Eagle NHS chapter:
Homecoming parade cleanup
STEM night workers
Pack and deliver backpack program materials
Bronson Elementary student leaders
Sponsor Mrs. Parvu