Mrs. Grau

My name is Rose Grau. I am originally from Battle Creek, Iowa. I am the youngest of four children. I have been married to my husband, Dan, for thirty-three years.  We have a daughter, Kristi, and a son, Michael. Kristi and her husband, Eric, have two children, Mason, and Quinn. Michael and his wife, Liz, have two daughters, Scarlett and Julianne. I enjoy spending time with my family. Dan and I are active members at Bethel Lutheran Church.

I graduated from the University of South Dakota with a double major in elementary and special education. I ran cross-country and track while in college. This is my thirty-sixth year of teaching at Lawton-Bronson. I am currently teaching 4th-6th grade students in the resource room.

I am a member of the Lawton-Bronson Education Association.